Nicholas’ Nut-Free Christmas: A Book Review

Recently, new author Danielle Lynn reached out to see if she could send me a copy of her first book, Nicholas’ Nut-Free Christmas. I was thrilled for the opportunity to read it. I love to read and have read to my children as they’ve grown up so I’m almost always up for a good read.

The bonus about this children’s book is that it also addresses food allergies, and in an incredibly positive manner. Lynn’s book focuses on a third-grade boy named Nicholas who has food allergies and is facing some significant challenges as Christmas quickly approaches including a class party and a visit to grandma’s.

In my opinion, what makes Nicholas’ story special is his attitude. We all, those with and without food allergies, face challenges in life. It is simply a part of life. The secret to handling those difficulties is our attitude toward them. This is something Nicholas has a remarkable handle on and it is a lesson I think many children with food allergies can benefit from hearing. His actions can empower readers to take control of a food allergy situation in a positive manner without letting it become a hindrance in how they live their lives.

In each challenge the young boy faces, he actively problem solves to find a way past the trial. He does not focus on the unfairness of the situation or let it dictate how he lives his best life. I stinkin’ love that. This kid just sees a bump in the road and sets out to fix it without ever looking back. Even as an adult, this is a lesson I need to be reminded of from time to time.

As a side note, although the book is geared toward Christmas, I do think it would be a good read year round as the situations Nicholas faces are indicative of many different holidays and even everyday situations.

If you are looking for a positive read to share with a child with food allergies, friends of a child with food allergies, a school classroom, or a library, I highly recommend Danielle Lynn’s Nicholas’ Nut-Free Christmas. The book is a breath of fresh air in tackling a serious problem with a healthy measure of positivity and a double dose of a can-do attitude.

Disclaimer: I was not financially compensated for this review and the thoughts within this post reflect my honest thoughts and opinions.

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